an urbanism from the roots
As Lovelock was concerned that our knowledge in biology is based on second-hand knowledge and that there were too few observers on the ground in contact with the earth, to reconnect with it, approach of the planner with the city must be straightforward.
By promoting an urbanism not decided from the top, but by the roots, we will further a naturalistic conception of the city.
working process
I'm not trying to offer solutions but systems that everyone can adapt to their needs and fancy.
complicity of inhabitants
"Tell me, I forget. Show me, I understand. Involve me, I remember. "(Chinese proverb) The task of the architect is to associate the user. The user, feeling himself concerned, will be more interested in architectural debate developed by professionals and will be more receptive to innovative arguments of the latter. This collaboration, will lead to less misunderstanding and more enthusiasm.
dynamic ecology
It is illusory to freeze nature with the intention of preserving it. Nature is dynamic and change is a fundamental component of the landscape. Any human intervention, whether opportunistic or protective will have consequences. Up to us to integrate a positive impact in our projects.
Understand the world in which we live, take part in the present as a designer.
In the 90s, to deal with the U.S. embargo and the collapse of the USSR (supplier of oil and machinery), Cuba developed urban agriculture.
Hassan Fathy, Publisher: University Of Chicago Press
"A peasant never talks about art, he makes it": H.F.
In Senegal, the blocks stored on the floor are a way of asserting someone's property on a parcel. It is also a way to evaluate someone's fortune. As a well, it can be made to be used for consumption or coined, exchanged as needed.
house keepers
The squatters are the guardians of the monuments we have inherited. Without purpose, a building, as monumental and sacred as it can be, is doomed to disappear.
Senegalese traditional urbanism, unlike our western cities, is not a process towards a finished work (writing culture) but a moving body in perpetual adaptation. This is an evolutionary development that offers a very popular component in our time - flexibility. While the Western model is written with indelible ink, the African model prefers to write with a pencil.

Robert Shuman and Jean Monet
Father of Europe, a system based not on domination, but concession